One Down...Still More To Do!
(And I hope everyone had a few moments today to think about how far we've come in all these years, courtesy of Martin Luther King and so many others who devoted themselves to the Civil Rights Movement! This is just the start of a period that I hold dear every year - beginning with MLK day, into Black History Month, and on to Women's History Month. These two movements that worked so closely together to achieve equality - and no, we're not there, yet, but we have certainly come so very far!)
I also spent more time this weekend in the fashioning of additional Graces (one of these is spoken for, the other two for the show this weekend):

I started my Booga Bag (the second one) last night and started up the sides in the blackest of black...

Then proceeded to add in the plum striping and a charcoal gray, too...

This was mostly completed tonight..and I'm not that far from the point at which I begin the dreaded I-cord. Which I think I'll make up in charcoal. Oh all the yarn is Cascade 220 - I've not knit with it before. It I hadn't had Koolhaas sitting right there (no, I just couldn't bring myself to pick it up - I knit and then immediately tinked one row last it's sitting again. But the Merino Style I'm using for Koolhaas feels so much like the Cascade 220! I don't have a clue how Knitpicks Merino Style felts, tho. Still, I love this Cascade 220...I'm just so impressed by the stitch definition! I might have to consider a sweater of this...*wink*
Oh...and on the table in that first Booga Bag shot? I'm listening to Jane Eyre on CD. I saw the film version on PBS a couple of weeks ago, and realized I don't believe I've ever actually read Jane Eyre! So that had to be rectified...
The Meezer often drops by wherever I'm knitting to check out the yarns I'm using and give her approval...She's particularly interested in Mohair and Merino...

Mommie says this is acrylic. What does an Acrylic look like? Does it have horns?It doesn't smell like a sheep or rabbit...
I spy a Laurel Burch print!
I love the colors of your Booga Bag! I did mine in stripes too. :)
Wow! More wool? You are on a roll. I'm so glad that you've found some that you can knit with. Cascade 220 is my all time, tried and true favorite for felting. Can't wait to see how your bag turns out. Your sewn bags are quite lovely, too.
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