Knocked on My Keester!
Antibiotics and a sinister-sounding medication called guifenison (I think I've spelled it correctly) prescribed as I can't take decongestants. I'd been emptying boxes of tissues rapidly for two days and last night that stopped cold. I had a blocked up head the size of ... well, something huge. Sleep? What's that? I was begging to breathe.
Another day off work as a result - and frankly, last week's Wednesday, and 1/2 of Friday were a piece of cake compared to today. I've not been able to pick up a needle, barely able to open a can of soup, which I finally made myself do. Suddenly now, I'm UP. Still clogged. Whatcha think? Turning a corner? Maybe not...I think I want another lie-down spell...(sigh)

I'm pulling a Stephanie here - "Pet the yarn."
That's December's Selection of the Art Walk Sock Yarn Club, Black Iris (inspired by the painting by Georgia O'Keefe) all neatly caked in there amonst - yes - Roxanne's Purple Royale worsted weight that I bought at least 2 years ago for Clapotis. When I pulled the sock yarn out of the package (Roxie held onto a skein for me from last month and sent it along with this month's selection, which I can't show you yet) I about dropped my teeth. I think it's a perfect match! Hmmmm Clapotis and Socks?
Mommie's been really sick. I don't know when she's stayed in bed all day

But whenever she gets up, I sneak into her spot on the bed - I'm just keeping it warm for her, you know
Yes, sure, Meeze. That's why you snipe angrily at me when I make you move...
Ugh!! I'm glad you're on antibiotics now at least.
I hope you feel better soon! Isn't it nice when kitties "keep your spot warm".
Boy can I relate unfortunately! The worst part is I'm so dizzy I can't move even if I wanted to! Hope you feel better soon!
BTW, it's Guaifenesin and it's cough syrup :)
I hope you shake it soon. I've had it too. Realy bad when you don't even feel like knitting!
ahhh Guaifenesin! It thins the mucus and makes it easier to cough up all that crap and clear the airways. Buy extra tissues and be prepared for all kinds of lovely stuff. Hope you feel better soon and let me know if you need anything!
Hope your meds kick in soon!!
I hope you've turned the corner now. Poor dear.
Hope you are feeling way better by now Sallee!!! Do keep Meezer close by, warm kitties help so much with any illnesses, just by being there.
Huggs, G
Oooh, sinus infection=no fun. I sure have been where you are before. I hope the meds help and that you feel much better soon.
oh no, well get better really soon!
You got good meds! I hope they kick in soon and that you start to feeling better even sooner.
Gorgeous yarn! I've been noticing the purples more and more lately. Such a pretty color. So rich and lustrous.
I sure hope you are on the healing side of this thing! You poor thing! You have some lovely projects in the works. I hope you are at least feeling up to some knitting by now. Take care!
I hope you recover quickly and feel better soon! I'm glad you have your kitties to make you feel warm and loved...
Oh, poor you! Begging to breathe is not good at all. I hope the new meds kick that mucous to the curb and right soon!
And Meezer? Be nice to The Momma!
Get better soon, sweetie! That is just no fun. :-(
Awwwwwwwww.. Thats just awful.. Being Sick.... And not even being able to KNIT!!! Oh My.. I do hope you are feeling BETTER real soon!!
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