What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
10 hats
2 scarves (including Clapotis)
6 pr of socks
4 Hedgehogs
2 pr of fingerless mitts
20 dishcloths
1 lace shawl
and 10 squares for a charity blanket
Why is it that the list looks so short up there?
Favorites? The socks and Clapotis. The Chevron Scarf was right up there. Now ask me how many of those things were for me? One scarf, 4 pair of socks, 1 pair of mitts and the lace shawl.
Hmm...You know what that means? I used to think that I knit only for myself and I've said it often enough. But it's not true. I knit a lot for others. Which is cool. But when I look at all the stuff I have on my queue that really IS for me? I wonder when I'll ever get them all done?
So what are my New Year's Eve plans? I'm going to be sitting in my favorite chair listening to a concert with my favorite violinst (Joshua Bell) and working on - YES! - Catharina Faroese Style Shawl! This is the shawl I've put into hibernation several times because of frustration and mistakes. I just have to frog the edging and reknit it. I think. Unless I decide to add another repeat to the length and width. *wink*
I'll be back tomorrow with my thoughts on the new year, plans I hope to follow and fulfill.
Please have a safe and happy New Year? I'll see you next year!

I've told you before I don't like balls dropping, it makes too much noise!
The Meezer
Why is it that those lists always look so much shorter than we think they will? My evening isn't any wilder. :)
I hope your New Year is healthy, happy, and relaxing. I'm so glad I got to know you this year and hope that continues in '08.
Now, back to college football and champagne!
It sounds like you're going to bring the New Year in purrrfectly. :) I wish both you, Meezer, and the CC a happy and prosperous New Year!
I think your list is just fine. But there's nothing wrong with making stuff for yourself, either. Happy New Year!
Nice plans for the evening. We had a family over whose wife/mother is out of town. Homemade spaghetti, meatballs, and italian sausage with garlic bread and Caesar salad--bet you could smell the garlic at your house! The guys watched football, the younger kids played games with The Teen, and The Girlfriend and I knit. Ahhhh.......what a great New Year's Eve!
Happy New Year to you!
I remember the hedge hogs! I love those.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to Meezer and the gang....
Headbonks from Mr. Cheddar and Ms. Mitz!
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