Help?? Any Ideas?

(click on it - to embiggen!)
This is the inside of the folded card that came with the yellow/green yarn shown in the post below. I do not speak German, or whatever that fact, I have only a smattering of French remaining from my years in high school. This really looks as if it's German to me.
I have a link but it's a festival/outdoor crafts mall called RosenHof. Looking at the photos, I don't see anyone that has handspun/hand-dyed yarns.
It's just killing me...what IS this - and, fair warning to my pals at Roanoke Valley Spinners & Knitters when I see you all on Thursday? Be prepared to put on your thinking caps. What IS this yarn?
TIA for any help!
I think that card is just the shop's business card. It's got the hours and how to get there in English. The handwritten part looks like an email address.
Sorry. maybe the mystery yarn group on ravelry could help you
I have a friend who speaks German, I'm sending your blog to her. She should be able to help.
I was trying to translate word by word, and I too don't speak German, but it is definitely a silk.
Hi there, all it's saying is the hours of the business and what train/bus (not too sure which Tram stands for again) to take to get to the address :)
Nothing else, that's it
Good Luck SallEE ... do let everyone know what it says! HugZ & HaPpY New Year!
email and find out :) It does say silk. Seide. That is a Swiss email addie.
The left side is translated already. The right side looks to be the name of the spinner or company that made the yarn along with an address in Upper Buchsiten and a phone number.
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