Bunny Thumpers?
The challenge is to get a photo of your kitty's foot. And then measure it. Actually the measuring is the easiest part...The Meezer thought I'd lost my mind! (Her's measures at 5 inches)

But the Calico Curmudgeon wasn't having any of part of anything at all, which is really sad, b/c at less than 6 pounds, she's probably got the daintiest, and perhaps even the oldest, true Bunny Thumper - you see, CC has bunny FUR.

You can see, however, that The Meezer was in fine "tearstrip" form tonight!
Please note...The Meezer has walrus paws? (she has a walrus belly, too, but don't tell her I said so...Her auntie Lynette calls her "Walrus" all the time...)
Oh. Knitting? I frogged and restarted knitting the Second Sock of the Three Dancers yarn (I was almost to the heel bed when I realized that I'd cast on the toe sized for my Big Sis's foot, instead of my own!). And I have frogged the Koolhaas Hat again. I believe I'm getting off on my count when I feel the yarn slipping thru my fingers and I hurry to grasp stitches, losing my concentration...I think I'm going to wait for my first Knitpicks order (yes, there are two on their way) - which has my size 6 & 8 Harmony circulars in 16-inch size. My thought is that the points are sharper (than the Plymouth metal circulars I'm using) and the laminated wood not quite so slippery. I hope. I hope... and I hope they'll be here on Monday...
By then, perhaps my brain will be rid of this cotton wool...(I'm truly sorry for any snuffling you hear on that video - I'm better, just not quite there, yet!) I think knitting and I just aren't meant for each other right now! (GASP!)
I'm wondering if that part of cats is sort of like femurs on adult humans - not hugely variable...
Bunny feet! I'm so glad you're feeling better.
Obsidian was aghast that I tried to measure his bunny thumper which, eneded up being 6 inches. So I showed him Meezer with her tearstrip and he cheered up considerately. :)
The Meezer and the tearstrip are just too cool. I've been doing my share of ripping too, 4 hours at knitting on Thursday night resulted in 1, count 'em, one row of knitting.
I'm so sorry to hear about all that ripping. So frustrating. But I am glad to hear you're on the mend! Loved the video of the Meezer! Walrus Belly? *heehee*
Cute vid of the Meez...she looks so velvety :)
I have a Q...why are you buying the Harmony needles individually rather than the interchangeable set?
How adorable!! I love the video - and the Meezer?? Both beautiful & precious! Thanks for sharing, SallEE!
I'll have to get a picture of Gretchen's bunny thumpers!
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