Blogaversary Approaches!
Ok. Enough of that stuff...
A contest? Yes, I think so. I reserve the right to decide what to send as winnings, but I think yarn might be in the mix. Perhaps sock yarn, since I have the most of that, but don't hold me to it.
Now, here's what you have to do:
Remember this? My Fearless Knitting project? The Fair Isle hat from Holiday IK?
Remember the base colors of yarns? Palette from Knitpicks? Here are the main colors - that's black all the grays, the three shades of purples...

Now your choices...Option one: Petal (the coral/orange that was such a surprise when it arrived - petal should be a light pink in my mind, but here it is...ORANGE)

Or should it be Option two: Blush (the ballet pink I thought I'd ordered first, this is a pale pink with just enough color to not disappear into the heavier tones of the other yarns)

Or maybe I should cut my losses and take Option 3: White (always safe, certainly a choice that will allow the purples to spring forth and make their statements.

So...the rules: My blogaversary is January 27, 2008 (that's Sunday night). The cat show is ending that day, so I'll be a might busy and I have comment moderation posted so you won't be able to see everyone's suggestions and choices...but
1. Leave a comment on this post by 5p.m. on Sunday (New York City Time) the 27th (of this month!).
2. Tell me which option you think I should choose and why. (remember I have never knit fair isle)
3. The answer I like best will win...actually there'll probably be more than one winner...especially if the show turns out to be a good one, so I'm in a good mood!!
I'd love to see how original your answers can be...intriguing ones, the kind that might make me laugh, the kind that might help me see things in a whole new light...
(There'll be no more than 3 winners, tho')
And hey - this is pretty important - IF your blogger signon does not allow me to see your email addy? Fix that, please? Because I have to have some way to contact you if you win.
You DO want the prizes, right?
Mom, I think you should cut your losses and just knit shawls, socks, and hedgies rather than trying this new stuff...that black hat you're knitting is making CC and me cringe with fear every time you pick it up...psst - you really should hear some of the words that come out of my Mommie's mouth when she's knitting it! It's shameful! The Meezer
Choose the white yarn option – white will add dramatic emphasis to the purples, grays, and black, making a winning statement (NOT “cutting your losses”).
I'm with the Meez...knitting shouldn't make you curse like a sailor :)
I'm bowing out of the prizes but I'm voting for option #1 -- orange rocks baybee!!
Option #1 ... The 'Petal' will contrast nicely with the purples & grays. And I agree with Debi, orange rocks! To quote Jimi Hendrix "Orange is young, full of daring, but very unsteady for the first go round." Give it a chance! In Feng Shui it's considered a social color and will promote lively conversations and good times. (great for knit nights!) Perhaps I should just do a public service announcement for the color orange, especially the corals. I love corals.
And just in case blatant flattery will get me somewhere ... Orange is interesting, discerning, selective in its loyalty. It's on the edge, a color of change, vibrant but not over the top. It's you!
** The comment was paid for by the Coalition for the Promotion of Orange **
White - I think there's enough color with the purples. Congrats on the blogiversary!
I really like the white - it looks like crocus to me!
I'd go with the orange -- I think it will really pop! I like contrast in fair isle.
I'm still the "petal pusher"! The blush is a lovely color, but it is not in the right intensity mix with the other colors.
White would be a good mix with these colors if you were knitting for someone else. You have more flair, more artistic personality, than that colorway.
Happy blogversary,
I'm going to surprise myself (is that even possible?) and say *orange* - I think it will heighten the purple (which, as we know, is my favorite color) and balance the black. The whole design will gleam!
You know where you can find me...
Pick three M'lord! Sorry, Shrek flashback there. I too believe the white and purple combination will show the pattern to the best advantage while allowing you to see your stranding, etc. while knitting. I love the orange, but I'd save it to mix with an olive for Fair Isle. That way the orange pops instead of having to compete with Mr. Purple.
Congratulations on your very important blogiversary! A wise woman once told me that in order to make decisions on colours, one should put them together in the same ratio in which they will appear in the finished garment. For example if there is a main colour and a equal contrast colour then put those together in your hand, (perhaps 2 skeins of each), then when the 3rd colour comes in and it will only be a small inclusion then put only one skein of that in your hand, bunch them all together like a bouquet of flowers and squint at them, see if you like the colour balance that is occuring. Remember you want to balance the "main" colour as well as all of the contrasting ones. I vote for the orange. It is strong and gives an "edge" to the colours there, the strong purples, black etc. The pink doesn't do it nor imho does the white. But hey, this is ALL just my opinion so what the heck! Enjoy whatever you choose and once again Congratulations.
I guess I should tell you that my email addy is
Happy happy blogaversary!!!!!!!
I'm thinking you ought to go with the blush- it seems it would really contrast with the purples- very avent-guard( sp? doncha hate it when people try to use fancy words and they can't spell them worth a hoot? yeah, me too.....)
Anyhoo- may you have many more years of blogging and so much yarn you don't know what to do with it!!! ( that's my dream, anyway...)
I like the option with the white. It will be a nice but subtle contrast with the other colors.
Definitely the orange b/c it will "pop" the most. It will look fahbulous, dahling, fahhhhhbulous. ;-D
I like the "Petal" because it will really make all of the colors "pop" and make a statement.
Otherwise, I'd choose the white over the pink.
I certainly think that the choice needs to be one with a lighter value than the other yarns, or at the very least be similar to the light gray. I held up my "value finder" (a square of red plastic) to the picture, and all three choices (orange, pink, white) seem to have a similar relative value - but I don't know if that's true in real life.
I think a value finder is extremely helpful for fair isle knitting, so that you get a good range of light-to-dark colors. Red cellophane works too, if you can find it. Or throw all of the yarn on your scanner and scan it in black and white (or use a b/w setting on your camera if you have one).
I am voting for the white.
Using the color wheel and several years of art classes... If you had the orange, orange is fun, but I would introduce green with the purples as well (this would make you hat a 'triadic color scheme'). If you had displayed yellow I would have chosen this, yellow is directly across from purple on the color wheel and would be a 'complimentary color scheme'.
With the white - it is a monochromatic color scheme and it will be lovely.
My 2 cents :-)
You made me pull out the magazine and look at the pattern closely. I assume you'll substitute the greens with your greys/black and the reds are now purples. So you're trying to decide what to use for the blue. If you look at the charts, the blue blends in with the greens. So you should be looking for something that blends in with your lightest grey. I'm going to suggest the white. But my second choice is to use the lightest purple.
I'm also voting option 3 because it will be completely striking!
You have a very cute cat!
Definitely the white because it will make for the most elegant colour combination. I love purples in all shades and you've got a gorgeous palette there.
And a bonus quote that made me giggle: “I never saw a Purple Cow; I never hope to See One; But I can Tell you, Anyhow, I'd rather See than Be One.”
I think you need the pink one because well...IT'S PINK! :) Enough said.
Definitely not option one (unless you align yourself with the Fauvists and like orange-purple combinations).
Option three is safe, yes, but is it too safe? You're embarking on a Fair Isle project! Implicit in this undertaking is an urge to Shake Things Up a Bit (But Not Too Much, Hence No Orange).
So go with the blush! It'll be a lovely accent color with the others but won't pop so much that it'll make your eyes bleed.
I'm so glad you started your blog and kept it going! :-) I'm such a pink girl, but I think you should use the white. Those purples are so pretty that it would be a shame to try to outshine them with the pink. If you do feel the need to use pink, maybe the lighter one?
At first i was thinking blush, then the white. But the more i kept flipping the pictures the orange one stands out so nicely with the others. Purple and Orange are perfect combo's if you look on a color wheel. But as a child i remember a small cotage in town that was purple and lavendar, every spring/summer the huge orange tiger lillies would open and spend the summer against the purple walls. It was beautiful! I still love the color combo today and think it would look sharp in your hat design and not get as washed out as the blush and white would. Happy blogiversary!!
I did the same thing as dotty and tried to figure out which colors were being used where. I agree that the petal would give it just a little zip and play well with the purples. Both the pink and white would look okay, but I think the petal/orange is the zest in the batter.
Petal, definitely. It will give you an air of excitement and mystery.
Happy Blogaversary! I'd go with the white. It just looks good. It places greater emphasis on the purples. And baby, you are all about the purple! That's my scientific answer. :)
I vote for the white option, but I'm very conservative when it comes to color choices. However, looking at your bags, you have a great sense of color and style, so go with your instincts!
go with the white!
It will be a similar color scheme to the christmas stocking kate gilbert designed. Plus it will offset the other colors without clashing....
Option #1 with the darker coral. As you knit along, each color will bring a tingle of happiness to your knitting. Make it a nice bright tingle, cause we can all use a good one now and then. ;)
Happy blogversary!!! I so love purples too and I would definitely go with the white. Not only is it a great color to have around the face, it will make the other colors pop.
I would go with the white yarn for the most contrast. This mix looks so spring-like to me and I think you'll have a hat to wear through many an April shower to come (of course NOT when it's actually raining LOL) just a nice image....umbrella in hand, twirling down the streets of Pariiiiiieeeeeeee.....singing in the rain, wearing your gorgeous new hat.
PS: I'm going to start a Fair Isle cardigan soon, my first FI adventure too. Great minds DO think alike!!! You go Sallee.
Huggs....Geraldine could I be so remiss, HAPPY Blogaversary to you and many, many more to come. I love stopping by here! Huggs, G
OK, I'm going to try this again -- maybe this time the internet won't eat my comment! :) It's definitely the orange for me. When I see it there with the other colors (which, btw, are just gorgeous, and right up my alley), the orange brings all of them together in a way that neither the pink nor the white do. I think that's why fair isle so often has that one really bright, almost incongruous color, because it makes the other colors come together perfectly, and keeps them from becoming indistinguishable from one another. It's sort of like adding a bit of lemon zest to a butternut squash risotto, or some vinegar to a rich bean, sausage, and kale soup -- they both need a hit of acid to make all of the flavors come together. That's what the orange is -- it's the zing that makes the mellowness of the other colors even better. I can't wait to see what you decide!
I think I would go with the white too. I've never done fair isle either - best wishes on your foray into it!
Petal is the one! The Blush & White are pretty, but they won't spark the other colors the way that the Petal will. When quilting, it's always a good idea to stick in an "ugly" in one or two spots to spark the design and knitting isn't any different. Add the Petal in the least used yarn of the design and watch it go POW!!
My first thought was the Petal because of the high contrast. The more I look at it, though, I think it might stand out in a wrong way. The Blush is pretty but I think it will fade into the background too much. If white was one of the base colors, the Blush would stand out a little more. Thus, by process of elimination, I choose the white. I think it will be a nice contrast to the other colors but not be jarring to the eye.
Happy Blogaversary!!
I like the white option. I think it would provide the best contrast to the purple to really show off all that fair isle hard work. I'm also working on my first fair isle project and I love it when my white and purple meet up.
I like petal as a color, but blush is the one I'd choose to include in your project--the color sort of sings the same tune as the rest of the yarns. :)
First off, Happy, Happy Blogoversary. I, for one, am so very happy that you became a blogger and stuck with it and count you amongst my dearest friends as a result.
You will be surprised to hear that my first, 'gut' reaction was the orange, but upon careful consideration, and thought about what a Fair Isle hat should look like when done, I realized that it has to be the white for the sake of harmony in design. While many people have spoken up on behalf of orange and how it would make the design pop, and while looking at the petal/orange sitting on the pile of yarn in the photo gives that impression, I suspect that knitted up, the orange would look sadly out of place, the blush would not blend with the coolness of your other colors well, but the white would harmonize and slide right into the design along with the rest of the colors. In such a design, it is the whole that needs to look in balance, rather than any one part standing out more than the rest.
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