Wednesday, August 07, 2013
But it feels like it. SO much going on.
1. Physical Therapy goes on apace with it's typical ups and downs, and right now, I seem either to be regressing or plateauing and that's got me in a funk of a grand scale.
2. I'm helping My Sweetheart with painting his house inside (he's smart - the outside will be done by pros!) and with my limitations, that means it's slow going, and a bit of a challenge, but it also sucks up our weekends big time. Still, wow, does it look nice!
3. Work is still working, of course, so there's no space there, it's hurtling toward our fiscal year-end with all the mess of recon-ing grants and prepping for the auditors. (sigh)
4. It's raining. It's pouring. Every chance it seems to get, tho' we did have a really nice weekend (the one spent inside, painting!). As a result, the hole in my roof isn't getting addressed (or wasn't till I heard from the landlord today), and I'm still hearing a drip-drip-drip in my tub periodically (at least it's in the bathroom and in the tub, right?)
5. I have knitting but mostly it's Christmas, so no photo. The knitting is minimal, tho,' as the shoulder/arm is holding me back so it's going nowhere fast.
6. Cooking is still a major challenge. I'm doing a ton of already prepared stuff from either the Co-op or Fresh Market, and some of Amy's frozen burritos for lunches - do you know about GMOs? OY! They're everywhere, and OMG, WE are the guinea pigs to see if this stuff is SAFE for human consumption!
7. I'm trying to keep ahead of my reading (but must now renew 3 books from the library - I'm half-way thru ONE...and I really do want to read all three of them but WHEN?
8. PT exercises are twice a day at home, minimum. I try to toss in a few at work, too, on stretch breaks. Preheat the muscles, do the exercises, then ice everything down - I'll tell you, it's like a SECOND part-time job!
9. Nana Sadie Rose is still on medical leave, at present thru September 30. But I'll admit, after reading, and hearing at PT, that recovery from rotator cuff surgery takes a full YEAR? She may have to stay on medical leave even longer. And that makes me so incredibly sad, I can't tell you. I kinda wish someone had pointed this out to me when I was considering having this surgery...I might have decided to put it off, or forget it altogether.
10. Yup. A touch overloaded by it all, doncha know? (sigh)'s #11 (since I'm not trying to do any Ten on Wednesday stuff what-so-ever:
A High-Five from The Tonk! My little comic.
This is cool!
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