Wrap Up of 2012
2 Cowls
6 pairs of socks
10 hats
1 shawl
2 pairs of mitts/mittens
1 "baby layette" (blanket, socks, hat)
1 blanket
Nowhere near the number I usually do, I think, and it hasn't been for lack of wanting to knit, it's about the lack of time! Hmmm...
Since my One Word for 2012 is "ahimsa" one of the yamas of yoga, meaning, in essence "non-harming" just whom am I not harming by neglecting my need for fiber therapy?
Me. So as a result of my neglecting such things (as fiber, and sleep, and such) I'm down with a nasty sinus infection with fever)...
So one of the things I have to remember this 2012 is that hurting myself is the most automatic thing I do...doing too much, not learning to say "no" to protect my time and mental health. And of course, learning to do that in a nice way so I don't harm others, but they see I'm being wise and setting limits...
There's a lot more to ahimsa than this, but we've got a year to explore it...And a lifetime for me to get good at it...
That is a truly wonderful word for the new year! I love it, and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on practicing ahimsa - goodness knows I need to pay attention to that one myself.
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