Step Out in Red "A-Long"
Well, one of the most basic is to move your body every day, in some way - I'm not the sort to tell people HOW they should move, just that they should. But I'm also pretty bad at following my own advice :(
I had a heart attack 6 years ago this month. In July, I'll celebrate not only my 50th birthday, but 2 days after my birthday I'll celebrate my 6th year since my by-pass surgery (a kind of second re-birth!).
As we all know the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I always think I'm going to start exercising, I'm going to eat right, I'm going to stress less. But it's a lot easier said that done. I was thinking about how badly I need to be moving the other day I decided to add something to our Knit Red group. Over there ---> you'll see the wonderful button co-owner of the Knit Red KAL, Jane created for this: STEP OUT in Red (and a red Keds tennis shoe!). (You don't have to really wear red tennis shoes, but you can if you want! I think I will!)
The goal? To walk as much as you can, and if you don't want to walk, would rather run, or swim, or step-aerobicize or bike - please do! (While I won't tell you that yoga doesn't fit - because it does in it's own way and if you do the right kind - try to make what you do for this A-Long a cardiovascular workout?)
I walk very little. I have a sedentary job and then when I come home I either knit, sew, or work on the computer, all of which are sit-down activities. My fingers are in great shape! Unfortunately that doesn't do much for my heart. So I'm going to be aiming to get to 10,000 steps a day. And I won't do it all at once (nope, I have to be realistic, I have to start where I am...and increase my activity slowly or I end up in a Lupus flare from H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks and that's NO FUN).
So I'm going to try to do 10 minutes starting this weekend, every single day. When I can do that comfortably, I'll add 5 minutes. And so on. Do you know how many steps 10,000 is?'s about 5 miles.
How will I know when I've gotten there? I'll wear a pedometer. Every day. From the minute I get dressed in the a.m. till I get undressed as I hit the hay every night. They're about $3-$5 at most sporting goods counters of Target and Walmart and won't spend a fortune for them.
Join us? Oh...and my multi-tasking self suggests that you see about joining up for the Trek Along with Me and knit a pair of Trekking XXL socks, too while you're at it...hmmm let's see...colors 28, 36, 125, and 127 all have red in them! *wink* And you'll knit something RED in the process, too!
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Good for you Sallee! The 10,000 step thing is harder then it seemed for me. I can get about 6-8 on a good day but reaching 10 is kinda difficult. I'm still trying though! :)
Good luck!
MAn I need to do this!! Hmmm I can knit and walk right?? go to figure out how to load knitting podcasts to my phone and i can walk knit and listen!!!
Hmmm let me think on this one..
Unfortunately, my road is paved with the same good intentions. I applaud you in your "steps" toward better health. May angels speed our paths to continued good health. Happy Memorial Day weekend, and lest stress more steps shall me be motto!
Go, team!! This is one thing that I'm pretty good at - finding out I had celiac-based premature bone thinning at age 30 scared the crap out of me and got me moving. Nearly 10 years later, the bones are good and the BP's low. Check out I'm Fit and I Knit, too - it looks like you need to go to her main page and send her an email to sign up... that bit's sort of confusing.
I'm with you and I'm so glad you'll be celebrating 6 years after surgery!! I'll be adding you to fit and knit as a walker-we'll be backing you up on this!! Big hugs!!!
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