Ten Years...
I'm going to spend just a few minutes celebrating.
Ten years ago today, thanks to an amazingly astute physician and his staff, I survived a near fatal heart attack from a 90% blockage of a major coronary artery.
I've talked about it many times before, and I'm not going to go there again.
I'm here, and I'm grateful. But I'm going to tell you something critically important:
Heart disease is still the number one killer of everyone - women AND men. Do not take any warning sign for granted, don't pretend that you don't have time for a heart attack - because you know what?
Heart disease doesn't care.
So it's up to you to care. Make yourself Number One. Know the warning signs (which are different for men and women). If you don't know? Find out. Take the time. And make the necessary changes to protect yourself as much as you can.
Save your own life.
And bless you, Dr. M. for saving mine.
hugs and blessings, friend.
We're grateful, too, to your doctor and to you for your caring message.
Thank you Dr M!! I like having KnitNana in my life ... even though I rarely see her, the busy girl!!
Thank you Sallee for the timely and important reminder. I'm glad the Powers That Be put the right folks in your path to keep you around!
And I am glad you're here. You are sure looking good these days too!!!
Oh, yes! I can't imagine not knowing you, so I am so grateful to your doctor, too. And thank you for reminding all of us to pay attention.
Every year we raffle off something to promote Women's Heart Health awareness to honor you and all the women who have been touched by this disease.
I can't imagine a world without you in it.
<3 *hugs* :)
I am so glad that you are well. Keep taking good care of yourself.
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